2024/2025 — Season 69
Devised theatre project as part of the program Mladinsko Youth

Masters of Their Own Destiny

Directed by: Ana Duša
Co-production: Mladinsko Theatre and KD Pripovedovalski Variete
Première: 21. & 22. 1. 2022
  • Rosa Romih
    Brina Balantič
  • Matic Eržen
    Nejc Balantič
  • Tia Krhlanko
    Sonja Balantič, mother
  • Luka Žerdin
    Andrej Balantič, father
  • Indija Stropnik
    Maja Novak
  • Aja Markovič
    Tereza Novak, mother
  • Nace Korošec/Željko Hrs alt.
    Stane Novak, grandfather
  • Jon Napotnik
    Lotos, a lost soul
  • Voranc Mandić
    Perun Jesih
  • Kaja Petrovič/Julita Kropec alt.
    Ingrid Jesih
  • Aiko Zakrajšek
    Vesna Jesih
  • Jan Martinčič
    Kristjan Jesih
  • Mija Kramar
    Lucija Jesih, mother
  • Jure Šimonka/Gašper Lovrec alt.
    Boštjan Jesih, father
  • Leon Kokošar
    Dr Medved, therapist
  • Iza Napotnik
    The angry one
  • Katka Slosar/Luka Rener alt.
    The conciliatory one
  • Hana Kunšič
    The bold one
  • Ronja Martina Usenik
    The gentle one
  • Mira Giovanna Gabriel
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  • Text: Ana Duša ter mladinke in mladinci
  • Dramaturgy and photography: Gaja Naja Rojec
  • Music: Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar
  • Costume design: Maja Mirković
  • Costume design assistant: Slavica Janošević
  • Set design: Damir Leventić
  • Choreography: Primož Bezjak
  • Lighting design: Borut Bučinel
  • Sound design: Marijan Sajovic
  • Make-up artist: Vanja Djuran
  • Consultant: Mare Bulc
  • Stage manager: Sven Horvat

Author of Families exhibition: Gaja Naja Rojec
Portrayed families: Božič, Djuran Janežič, Jelić, Lajovic, Šmalc, Sočan, Uhan and Trbovc Mihajlović


What do older generations expect from the rising ones? How well have they prepared them for the future? “Can I grow up first and then save the world?” How do generations, which grew up in times of growing distrust and breakdown of existing systems, view the world? How do they navigate the current society, when they were simultaneously taught to believe in radical individualism and universal tolerance? “We’re growing up in an age that has exposed injustice more than any period before. Don’t get me wrong, I think that’s great, but the fact is that the world expects us to be fairer than the generations before us.” What did younger people want for the future thirty years ago and what do they desire now? “I wish I could see you, that I could get some sort of confirmation, 30 years in advance, that you are waiting for me and that a good life awaits ahead. I wish that I had a specific life goal, but it is likely that a view of the future obliterates the meaning of life, which is, in fact, finding a path and following it.”

In the media

[The performance is] an in-depth imprint of a generation; a report by those who wish 'to grow up first and save the world later'. Crucially, they have cut no corners; they were not content with clichés such as: older generations blew it, they robbed us of jobs and perspectives, screwed up the environment... No, they are critical without finger-pointing and revanchism. […] The result has exceeded all the limits of what was expected and seen so far; it reached deep into the particulars, in all the pores of the current moment, of generational divides, social anomalies, and particularly, it has empowered the young actors in all respects. The cooperation with a broad creative team that included social scientists and journalists... resulted in a forceful, high-energy and honest image of a generation. At a time when the world has been knocked off course, they have convincingly measured the distances of all current relations – from family to social. […] May Mladinsko Youth continue to act autonomously. And may theatre groups from all Slovenian schools attend this play in masses.

Together, they were growing up, trusting each other, entering the art of theatre, where diverse topics came to the fore, such as living in the epidemic, violence, family relations, the environmental crisis and others, which they intertwined into a play in an interesting way through music, theatre acting and addresses to the audience. [...] The focus is on three families that we learn about through the attitude of older generations towards youth. They attempted the roles very studiously and mastered them remarkably. [...] Therefore, this is also a play that exudes the intense energy of youth, which is worthy of attention for the widest possible audiences.

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In the season 2020/2021 we established direct contact with the generations below twenty: twenty creators, born between 2001 and 2006 and three members of the Mladinsko ensemble are exploring the relationships between generations at a time, which is changing extremely rapidly.