2024/2025 — Season 69

Atwoodovo padalo

Directed by: Valentina Pugelj
Glasbeno-umetniški performans
Co-production: ZKUD Živa dama
Première: 1. 12. 2023
  • Ambrož Pušnik
  • Matevž Šega
  • Dejan Hudoklin
  • Branko Potočan
  • Recitacija
  • Music: Ambrož Pušnik, Matevž Šega
  • Scenografija, kostumografija, vizualna podoba, video: Inja Prebil
  • Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
  • Kostumografija, lučni tehnik: Valentina Pugelj
  • Sound technician: Maks Klinec
  • Concept and performance: Lovro Kerdić

Atwoodovo padalo is a music-art performance that brings to life the poetry of Anton Podbevšek, one of the founders of the Slovenian avant-garde. The selection is based on his poetry collection Človek z bombami (1925), the scientific-critical edition of Podbevšek's poetry Moje ekstaze skulptura (M. Dović) and other sources (M. Dović - Man with Bombs, M. Mušič - Novomeška pomlad). The texts selected for interpretation are sung and accompanied by the author's own musical background. They cover themes such as existential questions, socially critical messages, war, and love. The performance is complemented by visuals, and interventions by renowned choreographer and dancer Branko Potočan. Inspired by Podbevšek, who challenged established poetic forms, Atwoodovo padalo explores new stylistic paths beyond conventional musical expression. It aims to show that historically significant poetic texts are not limited to the pages of a book, but can resonate powerfully with contemporary audiences.

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