Work and the Maiden I–V: Serf Dramas
- Tina Dobnik
- Varja Hrvatin
- Alja Lobnik
- Sara Lucu
- Mišo Mičić
- Milan Ramšak Marković
- Nina Ramšak Marković
- Nika Švab
The series of participatory stage readings entitled Work and the Maiden I-V: Serf Dramas uses the eponymous text to pose questions about stage reading principles, collective co-creation and contemporary playwriting. The text focuses on five women with different life circumstances and work s(h)ituations, all of which have in common precarious employments. While in the first season, a heterogeneous group of artists from the field of performing arts commented on the dramas during a public reading and thus collectively produced a new play entitled The Dangerous Liaison between Drama and Theatre, in the second season, where each of the five events focuses on a different scene, a group of artists explores how the text sounds while read accentuated according to different genres and styles or based on approaches characteristic of renowned contemporary performance art makers and collectives. The key question of the second season of stage readings addresses how much genre fluidity is enabled by contemporary drama and how the transition between genres affects the play as a whole, the topics addressed by it and their perception.
Projekt je nastal s podporo Ministrstva za kulturo.
I: Monday, 23. 10., at 6.30 pm
II: Monday, 23. 10., at 8.30 pm
III: Tuesday, 24. 10., at 6.30 pm
IV: Tuesday, 24. 10., at 8.30 pm
V: Wednesday, 25. 10., at 6.30 pm
Talk and meet: Wednesday, 25. 10., at 8.30 pm