Photo by: Sandi Fišer

Photo by: Sandi Fišer

Photo by: Sandi Fišer

Photo by: Sandi Fišer

Photo by: Sandi Fišer

Photo by: Sandi Fišer
The New Post Office
Co-production: Mladinsko Theatre and Maska Ljubljana
8. 5. 2018
- Urška Brodar
- Daša Doberšek
- Tina Dobnik
- Iztok Drabik Jug
- Janez Janša
- Alja Kapun
- Uroš Kaurin
- Matevž Kolenc
- Mato Marinček
- Katarina Stegnar
- Nika Švab
- Vito Weis
- Gregor Zorc
Staging of a new Slovenian play, written in collaboration of more than 50 Slovenian authors!
“We, Slovenians, will stand firm and remain standing, remember this, you sold souls ashamed of yourselves and endangering our Slovenian homeland! God is great!”
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