Nataša Živković / Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Nataša Živković / Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Tea Vidmar, Olja Grubić, Nataša Živković / Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Nataša Živković / Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Nataša Živković / Photo by: August Adrian Braatz

Photo by: August Adrian Braatz
The New Post Office
FESTIVAL PERFORMANSA: De mortuis nihil nisi bonum*
*Don’t speak ill of the dead
15. 6. 2023
- Nataša ŽivkovićPerformer
- Tea VidmarMourning voice
- Supporters: Urška Brodar, Tina Dobnik, Olja Grubić, Barbara Kukovec, Katarina Stegnar, Luka Martin Škof
- Curators: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar
- Producer: Tina Dobnik
- Technical support: Demijan Pintarič, Igor Remeta, Manca Vukelič
When we bury someone, we sometimes have a vision that she or he comes alive in front of our eyes. The corpse gets up and smiles: don’t worry, I’ll always be with you. Forever and ever.
We bade farewell to the tired body of an institution that was born as an idea on 7 July 2011 and died by decree on 23 August 2012. Our baby was barely a year old. We never buried it in peace. Perhaps this is why it kept haunting us and wandered around. From one office to another, from one drawer to another. It had no peace and couldn’t rise again. Therefore, it deserved a proper burial.
Rise from your own ashes and be reborn, you beautiful dancing phoenix!