Small Arts Platform
The Small Arts Platform once again invites the public into an array of subversive spectacles. In its eight years of existence, the Small Arts Platform has established itself as a festival that highlights the emerging and current, but scattered and less visible non-institutional production of hybrid stage practices and questions the weight of the genres such as cabaret, queer burlesque, stand-up, clowning and improvisational theatre. Every year the festival brings together Slovenian and foreign groups of artists and producers whose works are often labelled as "small" due to their titillating content, social commentary, provocation and appropriation of pop culture in the theatrical context. Although these stage performances are imbued with humour, they provoke laughter that often sticks in the throat as the audience is confronted with a harsh critique of the social situation during the hedonistic enjoyment of the stage performances.
Wednesday, 13. 11.
- at 18:00, Post Office
Lucy Live (dance performance) - at 19:30, Post Office
Prude (stand-up performance) - at 21:00, Lower Hall
La Bouche (queer cabaret)
Thursday, 14. 11.
- at 18:00, Post Office
Kiss Me (dance performance) - at 19:30, Lower Hall
Double Bill: Kinging the Drag – Draging the King (lecture performance)
+ Darling Drago! 2.0 (evening of soft butch romanance, lip-syncing and royal mansplaining)
Friday, 15. 11.
- at 19:00, Post Office
Material Performance (drag performance) - at 21:00, Lower Hall
Image Snatchers (technoburlesque)
Saturday, 16. 11.
- at 19:00, Post Office
Ephemeral Audio Piñatas (radio drama in drag) - at 20:30, Upper Hall
Dynasties (dance performance) - at 22:00, Lower Hall
Clash of the Queens (lip-sync contest)
Project group: Sabrina Železnik, Maša Radi Buh, Metod Zupan, Jan Rozman, Leon Marič, Maja Delak, Tamara Pepelnik, Marja Kovanda, Linn Julian Koletnik
Executive production: Sabrina Železnik
Coordination: Tamara Pepelnik
Proofreading and translation: Katja Kosi
Graphic design: Matic Brinc
Space design: Jan Brovč
Tehnical support: Janko Oven, Aljaž Zaletel, Žan Rantaša
Production: Emanat
In collaboration with: Mladinsko Theatre