Solo; photo by Nada Žgank

Solo; photo by Nada Žgank

Solo; photo by Mediaspeed
Surtitled in July
18. 6. 2024
Since the Mladinsko isn't just Slovenian and since art prefers to roam free of language borders, we have prepared English translations for you.
1, 2, & 3 July at 19:00
The New Post Office
Directed by: Nina Rajić Kranjac
- Mladinsko Theatre Main Box Office
Trg francoske revolucije 5, Ljubljana
+386 (0)1 425 33 12
Every workday from 12:00 to 17:30, Saturdays from 10:00 to 13:00 - Mladinsko Theatre
Vilharjeva 11, Ljubljana
+386 (0)1 3004 902
One hour before the performance at the theatre box office
If you would like to see a scheduled performance with English surtitles, contact our Main Box Office and let us know with one week's notice. If within our possibilities, we will organise them for you.