2023/2024 — Season 68

Unannounced Voices

What forms of curatorial and institutional practices are being delineated on the horizon of our new social-political and environmental conditions and what voices are announcing them?

These are the themes we will discuss on the occasion of the publication of Zdenka Badovinac’s most recent collection of essays entitled Unannounced Voices: Curatorial Practice and Changing Institutions (published by Sternberg Press, 2022 as part of the series Thoughts on Curating edited by Steven Henry Madoff).

The book emerged during the period of the Covid pandemic and growing authoritarianism in Slovenia. As she lived through these experiences, the author reflected on the conditions and methods of work in the field of art, emphasizing the significance and meaning of embedded knowledge, care, and solidarity. Half a year after the publication of the book, the hope for positive systemic changes felt at the beginning of the pandemic was suffocated by the return to “pre-Covid normal”. The war in Ukraine and the failure to commit to the Paris Climate Agreement, only increase the urgency of questions about our future and also how the field of art should function in this context.

The author concludes the book with the thought that the voices of much needed change always come unannounced because they are not incorporated into dominant meanings. We will speak about how to listen to and support such voices with featured speakers: Zdenka Badovinac (curator and director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb), Charles Esche (curator and director of Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven), Ištvan Išt Huzjan (artist), Tjaša Pogačar (artist), and Vesna Vuković (curator and art writer, Blok, Zagreb).

The conversation will be moderated by Urška Jurman (Igor Zabel Association).
The event is free and will be conducted in English.
Organizers: Slovenian Mladinsko Theatre and the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory